
Scuba News

Get ready for Open Water Dive season!

The ice is melting and very soon we will be heading out to the lake for dive season. Most of our cold water dive gear may be in need of a little attention. Last summer we had a lot of customers stop in on their way out of town to go diving who did not realize their tanks were in need of inspections. All Scuba Cylinders need a Visual inspection once a year and a Hydro-static test every five years from the manufacture date. Check the dates on your cylinders now as the inspection can take a fe …
2017 Apr 17th
Winter Diving Activities

Winter Diving Activities

Local dive season is over but you still have the itch to go diving?Here are a few ideas to keep up with your diving until diving season is with us again.    Take a refresher - A confined water refresher is a great way to get back into diving after a long break (1-5 years since your last dive). Usually about 2 hours long, it takes place at the MacEwan pool. The refresher will not only review your basic open water skills but also help you improve them. Skills focus on dive safe …
2016 Nov 12th
Scuba Diving and snorkeling for the Optically Challanged

Scuba Diving and snorkeling for the Optically Challanged

Snorkeling and Scuba diving without being able to see the fish can kinda defeat the purpose. If you require glasses for your day to day life you will likely require them underwater, since trying to squish a pair of glasses into a dive mask rarely works you will need to explore a few other options.  1. Contact lenses: If you are already a contact lens user this can be the simplistic solution. However according to the FDA and Optometrist Association Contact Lenses are not recommended to …
2016 Oct 5th
FAQ: Children and Diving

FAQ: Children and Diving

How young is too young? This can be one of those questions with many answers. Although there are programs out there that do allow children to start some kind of Scuba as early as 8, we recommend 12 years of age is the earliest. Parents should keep in mind that 12 may be the minimum age many factors should be addressed before deciding if your child is ready for Scuba. Physically: Children need to pass the same health questionnaire as adults and may need approval by a doctor before div …
2016 Sep 12th
Technical Diving: Where to start

Technical Diving: Where to start

You've seen them at the dive site. Those divers with all the extra tanks, they spend twice as long as everyone else to plan and gear up for their dive. What the heck is all that gear for? How do I take the next step to become a "tech" diver?What is Technical diving? Still considered Recreational Diving, Technical Diving goes above and beyond the traditional Sport Diver levels. Technical diving requires more training, more practice and more gear. Most people assume that technical divers are al …
2016 May 4th